December 2014

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As the year comes to an end, and the new year rolls in with open arms I have the opportunity to reflect on the past and pave way for the new. As I shed what is no longer needed, I step clearly into my beautiful light. As I clear the old, I allow space for the new. As I weed the garden of my heart, I allow for the flowers to blossom this spring.

December, a month of Christmas, the last month of the year, the darkest month of the year is a wonderful month to reflect, meditate, and spend time cultivating our desires for spring. The month of December is the month when the soil is dark and being prepared for fruitful seeds to grow in springtime. Take time during these last days of the year to set intentions for the new year. Take time to cultivate within your heart your deepest desires. Take time to cultivate your beautiful light and soul purpose.

As I prepare my wings and book for flight this spring, I invite you to prepare your wings for your soul calling. We are creating the new humanity with each breath, with each thought of love, and with each new set of wings.